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巨臀 波多黎各 女神 百年新娘驯顺变迁视频走红 - 男性做爱性交技巧
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巨臀 波多黎各 女神 百年新娘驯顺变迁视频走红

发布日期:2024-10-26 04:34    点击次数:169

From Princess Diana's meringue to Kate Middleton's elegant lace number, everyone has their ideal wedding dress. 从戴安娜王妃的蛋糕裙到凯特王妃的优雅蕾丝裙巨臀 波多黎各 女神,每个东说念主心目中齐有我方的理思新娘驯顺。

So it is no surprise that a video charting 100 years of bridal fashion has sparked admiration and disgust in equal measure. 是以,难怪一个记载新娘驯顺前卫百年变迁的视频既迎来了繁密歌咏,也激发了不少吐槽。


The clip filmed by Mode.com, shows model Lolly Howie trying on an array of gowns dating from 1915 to 2015, to demonstrate just how fashion comes full circle. 该短片由酬酢视频网站Mode.com摄制。在短片中,模特洛莉•豪伊(Lolly Howie)试穿了从1915年到2015年间的多款新娘驯顺,充分证实了前卫的日中必移。

巨臀 波多黎各 女神

The 1915 one, with its long veil, high sheer neck and short sleeves, is not too dissimilar from the modern lacy number. 1915年的那款驯顺经营有长面纱、透明高领和短袖,跟当代蕾丝驯顺差未几。

In between the hem lines get shorter, and then dramatically longer, and the veils appear and disappear, until it culminates in the truly hideous train and puff ball sleeves of the 1985 offering. 一百年间,驯顺下摆先是变短,然后又越来越长,而面纱也在去留之间反复,直到1985年,丑到爆的拖地裙裾和泡泡袖驯顺完毕了这种无常变化。

On the way, there is the elegant dropped waist of the 1925 dress that could have been worn by a flapper, while the 1975 number breathes hippy chick. 这个历程中,优雅的低腰驯顺曾在1925年风靡一时,连阿谁年代的摩登女郎(flapper,注:20世纪20年代着装活动相配的年青女郎)能够也无法起义,而1975年的那款驯顺则颇有嬉皮女郎范儿。


The video has been watched more than 3,780,000 times on YouTube with people arguing about which decade is best. 该视频在YouTube上的点击量已超378万次,许多网友在争论哪个年代的婚纱驯顺最为漂亮。



But the message of the video is one that everyone can agree on - Love is never out of fashion. 然而,这个视频的确传达的是每个东说念主齐会有同感的信息——爱永不外时。


But which would you wear to your special day? 话说回归,你走上红毯那一天会穿哪款婚纱呢?






dropped waist:(服装)低腰(名堂)



审校&裁剪:刘明巨臀 波多黎各 女神

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